All posts by nangia

Budget 2018 with Nangia Advisors(Video Series)- Budget Expectations- Nitin Narang

The economy is standing at a juncture where it is somewhat on a cusp. It could be that the leap forward awaits us at the next step which will help us to throw off our constraints and move towards a sustained high growth scenario.  What is it that the corporate sector in general and the various sectors in particular anticipate or wish for in this coming budget? Here is Nitin Narang, Executive Director discussing his expectations from Budget 2018.  
budget expectations

Budget 2018 with Nangia Advisors(Video Series)- Transfer Pricing Expectations- Anchal Kapoor

The Union Budget 2018 scheduled to be presented on 1 February 2018 is keenly awaited as it would reflect the government overall economic policy and direction in an uncertain and politically charged environment. Here is our Transfer Pricing expert Anchal Kapoor, Associate Director sharing her expectations from Budget 2018.