Tag Archives: Amit Agarwal

Taxman tightens reporting norms for MNCs- Amit Agarwa

The prolonged wait is finally over. Nearly 18 months after legislating the adoption of country-by-country reporting (CbCR) for multinationals, the CBDT has come up with draft rules in this regard, seeking to usher in a rigorous regime of compliance and disclosure for MNCs operating in India. Amit Agarwal, Partner shares his views on aforementioned story for Hindu Business Line- Front page/First story. Taxman Tightens Reporting - Amit Agarwal

Re-defining Superiority of DTAA – Opening doors for new TP litigation – Rakesh Nangia & Amit Agarwal

The Finance Act 2017 has ushered a slew of amendments aimed at rationalizing certain provisions, reducing litigation and ushering more transparency for expanding the tax base. One such notable amendment is the insertion of ‘Explanation 4’ to both Section 90, and section 90A of the Income Tax Act, 1961 (“the Act”) that brings in more clarity with regard to the interpretation of ‘terms’ used in Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement (“DTAA” or “the Treaty” or “the Agreement”) domestic tax law. Rakesh Nangia, Managing Partner and Amit Agarwal, Partner with inputs from Aanchal Kapoor, Associate Director contributed an article on  Re-defining Superiority of DTAA – Opening doors for new TP litigation for Taxsutra. Rakesh Nangia tax Sutra

Secondary adjustments – Analyzing tax, accounting and regulatory implications- Rakesh Nangia/ Amit Agarwal

The concept of secondary adjustments was introduced vide. Finance Act of 2017, by way of insertion of Section 92CE, as yet another initiative to align Indian transfer pricing norms with internationally accepted practices. Recently, CBDT notified new Rule 10CB in the Income tax Rules, 1962 in relation to secondary adjustments which prescribe the time limit for repatriation of excess money and methodology for computation of interest income. Rakesh Nangia, Managing Partner and Amit Agarwal, Partner with inputs from Anchal Kapoor, Amit Bhalla, and Aakanksha Gupta, Nangia & Co LLP  contributed an article on Secondary adjustments – Analyzing tax, accounting and regulatory implications for Taxsutra. Rakesh Nangia - Nangia & Co LLP Analyzing Tax

Transfer pricing: CBDT wields the ‘interest’ stick on MNCs- Amit Agarwal

The Centre is not only eyeing a fair share of taxes on international transactions undertaken between related parties of a multinational network with presence in India, but even untaxed profits stashed overseas. Through fresh measures — popularly called secondary adjustment provisions under transfer pricing — the government has made sure that profits parked abroad via such transactions come back to India within a specified time limit. Amit Agarwal , Partner – Transfer Pricing shares his views for aforementioned story for Hindu Business Line. Amit Aggarwal - CBDT