Mr. Vikram Pratap Singh


Vikram Pratap Singh is a senior assurance and finance professional with a rich experience of over 14 years as a trusted advisor assisting companies with financial analysis, financial reporting, auditing, internal control policies and procedures and strategic planning. 

Over his professional practice he has advised clients from all business and economic sects, domestic and foreign, on complex accounting, audit and compliance issues, IFC implementation, Fraud investigations, risk advisory and Ind-AS and GAAP conversion. 

Vikram is one of the oldest members of the Nangia & Co. fraternity. He joined the firm as an intern in 2001 and been with the firm ever since giving him an association of over 18 years with the firm. 

He qualified in 2005 and has steadily progressed through the ranks to become one of the youngest partners in the firm. His role within the organisation has evolved multi-fold over his tenure wherein he has excelled at all verticals – Direct tax, Search Seizure & Block Assessment, International Tax, Corporate law & Assurance, within the firm to eventually becoming a leader and vital member within the Assurance vertical. 

He is an expert in audit of foreign companies doing business in India and has considerable experience in the audit field serving clients in Manufacturing, Retail, Real estate, Hospitality, Healthcare and Infrastructure sectors. He currently handles a wide client base of foreign and domestic entities based across the country. 

He operates out of DEHRADUN, NOIDA and MUMBAI offices of the firm.


- Chartered Accountant

- Fellow Member

-Institute of Chartered Accountants of India

-Membership Number: 406310

-Member since: January, 2006

-Bachelor of Commerce, University of New Delhi


- Institute of Chartered Accountant of India Chartered Accountant, ICAI, India

- Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India, Certified Valuer

Areas Of Specialisation

-Audit and Assurance Services

- Corporate Law as well as Income Tax