Mr. Jaspreet Singh Bedi
Jaspreet has over 16 years of experience in statutory audits and IFRS diagnostics / conversions of Non-banking finance companies (NBFCs), Housing Finance Companies (HFCs), banks, insurance companies, mutual funds, manufacturing companies, leasing companies, infrastructure companies, hospitality sector companies, venture capital, private equity and investment advisory companies. Prior to joining us, Jaspreet was working with Ernst & Young for 13 years in their member firm in India.
He has successfully lead and managed various capital market transactions / fund raisings for clients including IPOs, global capital raisings (MTN program), bond issuance, QIPs, FCCBs, retail bond issuances and so on.
Over his professional life, he has successfully advised clients from all business and economic sectors, domestic and foreign, with complex financial accounting and auditing issues such as Ind-AS and IFRS conversions, USGAAP Accounting, due diligences, IFC implementation and Data analytics.
He has led the merger and de-merger of the India’s largest financial services conglomerate as well as the submission of information memorandum to stock exchange for listing of the financial services arm.
Partner with Assurance practice with expertise in:
- Statutory Audits
- Ind-AS / IFRS diagnostic and conversion
- Capital market transactions & corporate finance
- Due Diligence reviews, tax audits and transfer pricing audits
- Business process improvements
-ICAI, Chartered Accountant
- Dual Bachelor degree- Law & Commerce (Mumbai University)
Key Sectorial Experience
- Financial Services
- Banking
-NBFC and HFCs
-Life & General Insurance
-Mutual funds
Areas Of Specialisation
-Assurance & Audit
-Ind-As / IFRS conversion
-Business process improvements
-Due diligence reviews