Global Compliance Management (“GCMS”)

Our experts help organizations focus on their core business activities while ensuring timely compliance and mitigating potential penalties and reputational risks.  Trusted by 300+ entities, 10,000+ users across 35+ Industries globally, GCMS is preferred by CFOs, Compliance Officers and General Counsels to strengthen compliance culture at the organization and group level.

The Companies Act 2013, SEBI Listing Regulations and the recent Code of Ethics by ICAI have reemphasized the importance of good governance practices to manage regulatory compliance in organizations.   

 It is the responsibility of Key Managerial Personnel (KMPs), Boards of Directors, CFOs, Company Secretaries, and General Counsels to devise effective systems that ensure adherence to all applicable laws and establish a clear responsibility matrix.   

 It’s a daunting task for any compliance officer to give assurance to the board as no. of laws and compliance applicable could be anywhere between 50 to 1,000+ and 2,000 to 50,000+ respectively; basis no. of entities, locations as part of the group. 

 GCMS  helps navigate complex compliance workflows. The tool offers 5 lines of defense – Owner, CXO, Approver, Auditor, HOD. 



Universal coverage

GCMS integrates flexible & customised workflows with Regulatory Intelligence from 70+ countries across 5000+ regulations and 1000+ authorities. The India coverage is extensive across 300+ central laws (Union Govt & Regulators), 1500+ state laws (States & Union Territories) and 250+ local laws (Municipal/ Gram Panchayat). 

Comprehensive Regulatory coverage

Comprehensive coverage across all laws applicable on the business: Covers 2000+ laws/rules, 60000+ compliances, 85000+ legal definitions, 75000+ regulatory documents, 1000000+ regulatory pages. 

Comprehensive coverage of all business laws related to HR, labor & Employment, Finance & Taxation, RBI, SEBI, IRDA, IFSCA, IT & Data protection, Environment – Health & Safety, Commercial & Admin.

Real-time updates

Build on most advanced platform & hosted on AWS, our solution is feature rich, intuitive and easy to use ensuring that compliance obligations are met, approved, and reported accurately and on time.    

It offers Real-time legal updates from 2000+ websites, Reminders, Notifications, Escalation, Scheduler, Reports & Dashboards. The platform is built by a team with decades of experience in technology and compliance consulting for MNCs, start-ups and industry leaders. With inputs from global experts, lawyers from top law firms and CPAs, it consolidates Global Regulatory Intelligence into a single application, providing a unified Global Risk Framework.


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